Today I am most pleased to welcome Angela Archer to WIP Wednesday here on Comptonplations.
Angela, what are your top three dream destinations and why?
ANGELA: Ireland, Bora Bora, and Alaska. I’ve always wanted to see Ireland to see the beauty of it. In all the pictures I see, it just looks like such beautiful countryside. Bora Bora, is my dream beach destination, or really any of the Islands of Tahiti. And, lastly, if I don’t do anything else on my bucket list, or go to any of the other places, one thing I will do someday is see the Northern Lights.
MJ: If you didn’t write, what would be your creative outlet?
ANGELA: I don’t know about creative, but my other stress outlet is riding my horse. I wish I had more time in the day to write and ride, but alas, time evades me most days. I also love cooking and baking–especially from scratch. I’m working on adding a bunch of yummy, healthy, homemade recipes on my blog.
MJ: If you ever need a taster . . . okay, other than writing, what would be your dream job?
ANGELA: When I was young I wanted to be a marine biologist and study whales. When I found out how much school that job required I reconsidered. 🙂 I was never really one that loved school. I don’t know why, I just didn’t like it.
MJ: Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version of the story?
ANGELA: The Last of the Mohicans. I fell in love with the movie before I read the book. When I started the book, everything was different and I freaked out and stopped reading it. Probably not the best thing to do, but I just couldn’t wrap my head around all the changes.
MJ: What do you normally eat for breakfast, of do you skip it and get straight to work?
ANGELA: I’ve been trying to live a more healthier life and lose a few pounds, and since to do that you should eat a breakfast, I eat one. Usually, a banana, Greek vanilla yogurt, and raspberries.
MJ: Plotter or pantser?
ANGELA: I’m a plotter. I have an insane outlining process. I don’t just write a few sentences, I do paragraphs about each chapter and scene. If I don’t, I get lost with what to do next and then weeks go by and I haven’t touched my manuscript because I’m stuck.
MJ: Do you believe in writer’s block?
ANGELA: I believe in writer’s block with my own personal writing. Every author is different, though so while I might get stuck or write myself into a corner, or head down a direction I didn’t plan that sends me slamming my head into the wall or my desk, other writers might not ever experience that. To those lucky enough to never have it, I bow down to their awesomeness.
MJ: Name three things on your desk right now.
ANGELA: Haha. Seriously? A Jessie doll from Toy Story, stencils, markers, and paper, and a bowl of my homemade potato salad. What? I’m hungry, and I have a 21 month old and a 7 year old.
MJ: Would you consider self-publishing?
ANGELA: Yes, I would. I’ve gone back and forth with it, though. As with everything I believe there are pros and cons with traditional publishing and self publishing. Each writer is different and has different goals for their work. If a certain writer thinks self publishing is the better route for them, then I say bravo for doing what is right for them. I have a few friends who are self published and their books are doing really good.
MJ: Do you listen to music when you write? Explain.
ANGELA: I listen to instrumental music, it helps me immensely. While I prefer Celtic music, really any instrumental music works, and I really love soundtracks. A few good ones are The Last of the Mohicans, Braveheart, Secretariat, and Harry Potter.
MJ: Thanks for sharing that! Now, for the lightning round. Beer-can or bottle?
ANGELA: Bottle
MJ: Last movie you saw in a theater?
ANGELA: How to Train Your Dragon 2
MJ: Favorite TV show?
ANGELA: Game of Thrones
MJ: Paper or e-books?
ANGELA: Paper.
MJ: Favorite band when you were in high school (Marching band doesn’t count).
ANGELA: Def Leppard (And they are still my all time favorite ever!)
MJ: Would you be willing to share the first five to ten sentences of your current work in progress?
ANGELA: Of course! This is from When the Black Roses Grow, a Historical Romance set in 1692 during the
Salem Witch Trials.
The gentle breeze blew the soft flower petals against my chest. Laying
against my black, cotton dress and clutched in my arms, the bouquet
fluttered from side to side as my feet crunched through the twigs and
rocks along the dirt path. Of course, the flowers were nothing more than
the wild vegetation that bloomed around my home, not like the pretty
sprays of flora most set upon the crosses of their departed loved ones.
Nice flowers weren’t allowed in this part of the cemetery.
I tiptoed down the path past other mourners crying over different
headstones or huddled in the arms of another while they prayed—their
whispers the same echoed prayers I’ve heard dozens of times. Tightening
my grip on the stems, and tucking my chin deeper toward my chest, I
lifted my hand to my face to block my eyes and continued down through
the maze of overgrown weeds, debris, and the broken, rotten wood gate.
A few of the mourners watched me, knowing where I traveled to, and
judging me for my betrayal to God, the Church, and to everyone in Salem.
How dare I mourn my loss. How dare I visit her, my mother—the condemned
Along the outskirts of town, near the peddlers road, and buried in the
plot of land furthest from the church, the damned and cursed lay in
shallow graves, unmarked, unless a family member willing to bear the
burden of the shame bestowed them with one. Outlined by overgrown brush
that never received care, this cursed part of the cemetery was rarely
In all honesty, I shouldn’t have traveled here.
MJ: Oh, my! You’ve certainly hooked my attention here. Where can readers purchase your current release?
ANGELA: The Woman on the Painted Horse is available on Amazon. (Click the title for the link.)
MJ: And where can readers follow you?
ANGELA: I have a website–,
a blog–
a Face Book page–
plus I’m on Twitter and
MJ: Thanks a lot for stopping by today. Good luck with your writing and your sales!