It’s National Live Creative Day. Today is the day we’re supposed to let the world see how we live creatively.
Living creatively is not something I think about. I think about my stories and my characters.
When the Chromos were younger and I worked in a demanding Day Job, I had to be creative about making time to write. I purchased an Alpha Smart, which made the writing portable. It’s too bad this product is no longer made. It is still a lifesaver, even though I’m no longer schlepping children to and fro. Back then, I always made certain my purse d’jour was big enough to hold Alph. I could write during soccer practice or waiting for the young thespians to get out of rehearsal. I could write waiting for concerts to begin. And I didn’t need to retype anything, just upload to my computer.
Now the Chromos are grown and mostly gone. I still have a Day Job, but it’s one that stays in the day. Do I sometimes wish I could be off somewhere else writing instead of punching a clock? Sure. I’m a writer. But I can write before work, on my lunch hour, and after work. Getting up that extra hour in the morning when the Chromos were young has become not only a habit, but a gift.
When I was on a recent writing retreat, I was up early every morning. I was in the woods to write, so that’s what I did. I recall one moment when I sat on the deck, looked around, and thought. this is my dream. To be an author. To write for a publisher. To run off to the woods with other writing friends and work without distraction. I have realized my dream!
How many people are lucky enough to be able to say that?
So yeah, I live creative. How about you?