Today it’s my pleasure to welcome author Nicki Greenwood to Work In Progress Wednesday. Nicki, what are your top three dream destinations and why?
NG: 1) England. Maybe I’m just hoping to run into Benedict Cumberbatch. 2) Ireland. My family has some roots there, and I love places with an “old soul.” 3) Australia. Because it’s just that awesome.
MJ: What is the top book on your TBR pile?
NG: Reading it now: Written in My Own Heart’s Blood. by Diana Gabaldon. With the arrival of Outlander on Starz, I’ve finally caught up with the series. This book is one of her best!
MJ: If you could trade places with anyone for just one day, who would you be and why?
NG: I’m finally at a good enough point in my life to say I’m happy being me. I’m doing the things I always said I was going to do—mainly, writing books!
MJ: What a great attitude! Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version of the story?
NG: The Horse Whisperer, by Nicholas Evans. Totally unsatisfying ending. The movie, while still heart-wrenching, is at least satisfying.
MJ: What do you normally eat for breakfast, or do you skip it and get straight to work?
NG: I’ll wolf down a breakfast sandwich and chug an iced coffee, and then it’s off to work for me.
MJ: Describe your ideal/dream writing space.
NG: My office, but with Hugh Jackman as a personal assistant. 😀
MJ: As long as you keep your hands off Henry Cavill–who is mine–you can have whomever you like as an assistant. Name 3 things on your desk right now.
NG: You mean there’s a desk under all this paper? (Besides the paper, I have my ever-present Chap Stick and a stuffed Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. *grin*)
MJ: Do you listen to music when you write? Explain.
NG: Most of the time. I will compile a soundtrack for my books, and play it incessantly as I write the book. If I hear an inspiring song for a particular scene, I put it on repeat while I write. Occasionally, I have books that refuse to be written to music. Then, I just use the songs to get the spark going, and turn off the iPod during writing time.
MJ: What is your favorite genre to read?
NG: Historicals, oddly enough. I love to read them, but the idea of writing one is just mind-boggling.
MJ: How did you chose the setting for your current WIP?
NG: I knew from the start of the series that it would be Vermont. The book “decided” it would be autumn, since Vermont in autumn is just breathtaking.
MJ: Now it’s time for the lightning round. Wine-red or white?
NG: For drinking, either, as long as it’s a semi-sweet. For cooking, either, and as dry as I can get it.
MJ: Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick’s Day?
NG: St. Patrick’s Day, unless I’m at Salsarita’s on Cinco de Mayo.
MJ: Last movie you saw in a theater?
NG: How to Train Your Dragon 2
MJ: Favorite TV show?
NG: NCIS, The Walking Dead, and Once Upon a Time.
MJ: Coke or Pepsi?
NG: Pepsi.
MJ: And for the main course! Please share the first few sentences of your current work in progress.
NG: This is from Fire, book 3 of my Elemental Series.
“Mommy! Mommy!”
The pitiful scream hardly reached Ethan Sutter’s ears under the roar of a flame-induced whirlwind. He held up an arm to shield his face and strengthen the protective bubble of power surrounding his body. His skin glowed, and the flames dampened, pushing in and then turning immediately back as though they’d hit an invisible breakwall.
Fire rushed up the wooden skeleton of the apartment building, devouring the structure, but unable to penetrate the protective sphere of his power. “Kid, where are you?” he shouted.
MJ: Wow! That certainly left me hanging. You have a new book out now, Flashpoint, from your Gifted Series. Where can readers purchase it?
NG: Flashpoint is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and The Wild Rose Press.
MJ: And how can readers stay in touch with you?
NG: I can be reached through my website, my blog, my Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Goodreads, and YouTube.