I am absolutely delighted to have my great friend and critique partner, Kris Fletcher, here at Comptonplations today. Kris, do you have a life memory you recall often and that you’d be willing to share with us and tell us why it stays with you?
KRIS: Our adoption of our second daughter, from Russia, involved a rather grueling court session with many difficult questions. It was nerve-wracking and intimidating, and her future literally hung on what we would say – but there came a moment when I realized I was kind of enjoying it. The judge and ministry representatives had many questions, HARD questions, but I was handling them all and staying calm. I remember looking at the officials and thinking, go ahead, try to trip me up – I’ve got this. It was a rather empowering moment and reminds me that I can do more than I think I can.
MJ: I can see why that one sticks with you. It also sounds like you’ve done a bit of traveling. Do you have any dream destinations you’d like to visit?
KRIS: Wherever my kids are at the moment. I really hate traveling, so the only reason I ever want to go someplace is to see people I love.
MJ: Do you have a secret talent?
KRIS: Coming up with fun and sometimes honest answers to interview questions.
MJ: OUCH! Okay, what’s the top book on your TBR pile?
KRIS: At the moment, The Last Original Wife, by Dorothea Benton Frank
MJ: Do you have any recurring dreams you could share with us?
KRIS: I’m in a house and discover a secret room that keeps opening into other rooms. And they’re all awesome.
MJ: If you didn’t write, what would be your creative outlet?
KRIS: Singing. Knitting and other needlework. And I would love to learn how to play the piano, saxophone, and bagpipes.
MJ: If you had a theme song, what would it be?
KRIS: “Just a Gigolo”
MJ: Name one thing you won’t leave home without.
KRIS: Clothing.
MJ: I wish more people felt that way! If you could trade places with anyone for just one day, who would you be and why?
KRIS: Hillary Clinton. I think she has accomplished some amazing things in her life, and I would love to know how it feels to operate at that level.
MJ: Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version of the story?
KRIS: How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The animated version, never ever ever the Jim Carrey one.
MJ: What do you normally eat for breakfast, of do you skip it and get straight to work?
KRIS: Some peanut butter & grape jelly slapped on a slice of whole wheat bread & eaten as I get folks ready for school – and then a blissful, solitary iced latte once they’re all gone.
MJ: Describe your ideal or dream writing space.
KRIS: A cabin in the woods, on a not-too-hot summer day, with no Internet or family expectations, surrounded by other writers. Also chocolate.
MJ: That sounds heavenly. Briefly describe your writing day/process.
KRIS: Procrastinate. Procrastinate. Panic. Write frantically. Lather, rinse, repeat.
MJ: Is there a book you wish you could have written:
KRIS: Bet Me, by Jennifer Crusie.
MJ: Plotter or Pantser?
KRIS: Planter working to become a plotter.
MJ: Ha! Do you believe in writer’s block?
KRIS: Yes. It’s very, very scary. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
MJ: Name three things on your desk right now.
KRIS: Hand lotion, my Kindle, and the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
MJ: Do you listen to music while you write?
KRIS: Yes, but only soothing instrumentals – lots of Bill Leslie and Jim Brickman. Otherwise I end up singing instead of writing.
MJ: Do you collage your story before writing?
KRIS: Not with pictures, but I do make a soundtrack, which I consider a musical collage.
MJ: Synopses: love them or hate them?
KRIS: They’re like exercise: I hate them while writing them, but once they’re done, I am ever so grateful.
MJ: Now it’s time for the lightning round. Addams Family or Munsters?
KRIS: Addams Family. Mostly because every time I speak French, I imagine Gomez kissing his way up my arm.
MJ: Wine-red or white?
KRIS: Whatever tastes most like Welch’s Grape Juice.
MJ: Beer-can or bottle?
KRIS: Can. Shoved inside a chicken on the grill.
MJ: Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick’s Day?
KRIS: Cinco de Mayo for the food, St. Patrick’s for the leprechauns.
MJ: Last movie you saw in a theater?
KRIS: Muppets Most Wanted. And I loved it.
MJ: Favorite TV show?
KRIS: Now: Big Bang Theory. All time: BBT, Soap, and Alienation.
MJ: Paper or e-books:
KRIS: Both!
MJ: Coke or Pepsi?
KRIS: Coke when I want high-test, Pepsi for diet/uncaffeinated.
MJ: Introvert or extrovert?
KRIS: Introverted all the way.
MJ: Favorite ethnic food?
KRIS: Canadian. Bring on the poutine and doughnuts!
MJ: Now’s the moment! Will you share the first five to ten sentences of your current work in progress:KRIS: The man hovering at the entry to Ian North’s garage was very tall, very blond, and very late.
“Hey Ian. Long time no see.”
“Xander?” Ian tugged his work gloves from his hands and set them on the anvil where, moments earlier, he had been happily pounding the hell out of a piece of hot iron. With a quick glance to make sure everything in his home forge could be safely ignored for a few minutes, he ventured toward his old college roommate. “What are you doing back here?”
Xander pulled sunglasses from his face and hooked them casually over the neck of his silky black tee. “I came to get my dog.”
MJ: Oh, I can’t wait to read this! Do you have buy links for any current releases?
KRIS: Oh, yes.
MJ: And where can people find or follow you?
KRIS: Here you go!
Website: http://krisfletcher.com/
Blog: http://krisbooks.wordpress.com/blog/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KrisFletcherWrites
Twitter: https://twitter.com/krisfletcher
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/kristhelatest/
MJ: Thanks, Kris! Good luck.