WIP Wednesday: Caroline Warfield

It’s Work-In-Progress Wednesday again, and today’s guest is Caroline Warfield. Welcome Caroline.

Carol RoddyLet’s dive right in, shall we? What are your top three dream destinations and why?

CW: So many so many! The highlands of Scotland. I’ve seen the borders and I’d like to see the rest. Cappadocia to see the cliff churches Argentina because I haven’t been to South America yet.

MJ: What is the top book on your TBR pile?

CW: The Whisky Laird by Donna MacMeans.

MJ: Other than writing, what would be your dream job?

CW: International Relief worker.

MJ: If you had a theme song, what would it be?

CW: My theme MUSIC would be Beethoven’s “Appassionata Sonata”.

MJ: Oooh. Nice choice! Name one thing you won’t leave home without.

CW: My Cell phone, of course.

MJ: If you could trade places with anyone for just one day, who would you be and why?

CW: The Pope’s secretary. I admire him greatly and think of the visitors he gets. What great conversations.

MJ: Describe your ideal/dream writing space.

CW: Right where I am surrounded by my books in a room full of windows looking out at trees.

MJ: Briefly describe your writing day/process.

CW: Generally I try to be at my desk at 8 taking care of social networking and marketing, and then I write for two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. I need to walk in between.

MJ: What book do you wish you could have written?

CW: Simply Love, by Mary Balogh, What Angels Fear, by C.S. Harris to name but a few.

MJ: Name 3 things on your desk right now.

CW: Kindle, Roget’s Thesaurus (the real deal), a tall glass of water.

MJ:  Do you listen to music when you write? Explain.

CW: I usually find music to suit the mood of the story and set up a Pandora channel. One of my children’s books required blue grass. Dangerous Secrets demanded Captain Corelli’s Mandolin and traditional Italian.

MJ: Do you collage your story before writing? Explain.

CW: I don’t collage but I set up a Pinterest board with visuals for inspiration.

MJ: What do you love most about your WIP hero?

CW: He believes he can fix anything and anyone, even if they don’t want it. He is loyal to a fault.

MJ: What do you least like about your WIP heroine?

CW: She ran when faced with what she saw as an insurmountable problem.

MJ: What genre is your current WIP?

CW: A Regency romance.

MJ: What is your favorite genre to read?

CW: Regency romance and historical mysteries.

MJ: How did you chose the setting for your current WIP?

CW:  I often start with a setting. Dangerous Secrets began with, “I wonder if I could write a Regency romance set in Rome?”

MJ: Great answers all around. Now for the lightning round: Wine–red or white?

CW: Red.

MJ: Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick’s Day?

CW: St. Patrick’s Day.

MJ: Last movie you saw in a theatre?

CW: Jersey Boys.

MJ: Favorite TV show?

CW: Justified.

MJ: Paper or e-books?

CW: E-books.

MJ: Coke or Pepsi?

CW: Coke

MJ: Introvert or extrovert?

CW: Extrovert.

MJ: Ready to reveal your current work in progress?

CW: That would be Dangerous Secrets.

Rome, 1820

“Major Bently? Are you in there?”

Bently? Jamie Heyworth covered his ears. Some damned fool wants my Uncle Charles.

Pounding, urgent and loud, echoed through his room.

He ignored the noise. Perhaps it will stop.

It didn’t.

“Major Bently!”

There it was again. Uncle Charles can answer.

His Uncle Charles lay dead these eight years. Jamie peeked out from under his ragged pillow and stared at the cracks in the ceiling.

MJ: I’m hooked! Now, I understand you had a book come out just last week.

CW: Yes, Dangerous Works was released a week ago today. It’s available on Amazon at http://tinyurl.com/lsaryjx



MJ: Where can your fans catch up with you?

CW: My website, my blog, on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.

MJ: Thanks again for joining me here today, Caroline, and best of luck with your books!




Ghost Doors

I am sometimes awakened by the sound of doors slamming. The doors, however, are not on this plane of existence. There is a certain echoing quality to the sound that alerts me to the fact that I am not quite awake, and the slamming doors aren’t real. Nor am I dreaming, but lost somewhere between dream and wakefulness.

Lately, however, I’ve been encountering an identical sound while participating in conference calls. The exact sound. It’s not the heavy teletype sound when we can hear someone typing over the speaker phone (which is odd in and of itself–I’m probably the only person in the whole company for which I work who knows the heavy sound of typing on a teletype machine, or even what a teletype machine is). I wonder if ghosts are listening in and laughing at us.

I wish I knew if my slamming doors indicated coming or going. Probably going.

Do you ever have visitors from another plane?

WIP Wednesday: Beth Carter

I am utterly delighted to welcome Beth Carter to WIP Wednesday this week. In addition to her children’s books, Beth has a new release, Thursdays at Coconuts, which is a contemporary women’s romance. Welcome Beth!

b carter

What are your top three dream destinations and why?

BC: Maui, Hawaii, because we honeymooned there and it’s gorgeous!!! Florence, Italy because of the architecture, beautiful language, and the pizza. We ate a whole pizza every day for lunch and I didn’t gain a pound. Of course, I was ten years younger. AND I met Rod Stewart there! Alaska. Even though I’m not a fan of being cold, I’d love to see the whales!

MJ: Rod Stewart? That had to have been exciting! Name one thing most people don’t know about you.

BC: I’m adventuresome (I swam with sharks!) and am pretty athletic (I played softball for years—loved playing first base and occasionally pitched). However, I also have what I call Lucille Ball moments. I do the craziest things that could never be repeated even if I were offered a million dollars (like losing a contact and finding it in the cuff of my pants—in the BACK of my pants! Finally, I was a single mom for a LONG time—16 years. Oh, you said name one thing.

MJ: If you didn’t write, what would be your creative outlet?

BC:  I’d like to pursue photography. I entered my first-ever photography contest last year and won both first and second place with two photos! I couldn’t believe it. And I took the pics with my cell phone camera. So, now, I’m hooked and am always snapping pictures. Sadly, most are “stuck” inside my phone camera.

MJ: If you had a theme song, what would it be?

BC: The Cheers theme song, “Where everybody knows your name.” I’m such a people person, and my daughter says I’m a creature of habit. I tend to frequent many of the same places (Barnes & Noble, Starbucks and T.J. Maxx). Most employees know my name, the fact that I’m an author, and even the kind of coffee I drink: skinny vanilla latte.

MJ: Good choice! Briefly describe your writing day/process.

BC: Coffee. Facebook. Email. Facebook. Occasionally Twitter and then I write in the afternoon. That’s the plan anyway.

MJ: Name one writing-related website you use a lot.

BC: www.sixwordmemoirs.com I am addicted to  this short genre and have been published in three six-word collections alongside celebrities and famous authors, including two six-word memoir books and one six-word desk calendar. I’m a calendar girl! Hemingway was challenged to write his memoir using just six words and I liked that backstory.

MJ: Name 3 things on your desk right now.

BC:  Laptop, Post-it notes, family photos, coffee mug and books–and PILES of junk to be filed. Wait. It’s not junk. I’m sure somewhere in the mess is the next Great American Novel, right?!

MJ: Do you listen to music when you write? Explain.

BC: NO. I need quiet to concentrate. I occasionally try to write from Barnes & Noble or Starbucks just to get out of the house and can only manage this when in the early draft stages (or if I need ideas for characters!)

MJ: What genre is your current WIP?

BC: Women’s fiction with romantic elements, plus suspense and humor. The title is Thursdays at Coconuts. However, many of my mystery writer friends are telling me it has a lot of mystery in it. What can I say? I’m a genre straddler.

MJ:  What is your favorite genre to read?

BC: Women’s fiction, contemporary romance, and thrillers.

MJ: Do you ever base characters on people you know?

BC: Yes! Usually the ones I don’t care for.  They are easier to write about for some reason. But I mix and match people I know and create most characters from “scratch.” I’d rather not be sued.

MJ: Oh, I hear you there! Okay, now for the lightning round. Addams Family or Munsters?

BC: Addams Family

MJ: Wine-red or white?

BC: White (chardonnay)

MJ: I Dream of Jeannie or Bewitched?

BC: Bewitched!

MJ: St. Patrick’s Day or Cinco de Mayo?

BC: Cinco de Mayo–I love Mexican food!

MJ: Favorite TV show?

BC: The Voice (probably because I can’t sing and am amazed by the talent). Plus, Adam and Blake sure are cute!

MJ: Paper or e-books?

BC: Paper but I’m thrilled to join the 21st Century with my first ebook!

MJ: Favorite band when you were in high school (Marching band doesn’t count)?

BC: Doobie Brothers and Eagles, hands down!

MJ:  Coke or Pepsi?

BC: Diet Coke

MJ: Introvert or extrovert?

BC: Extrovert (but I was terribly shy as a young girl and have a scar to prove it). I’ll let you ponder that.

MJ: Thank you for that. Now for the meet of the blog. What are you working on now and please share the first five to ten lines.

BC: The tentative title is Cowboys and Coconuts:

The teacher’s lounge was eerily quiet. Hope rubbed her eyes and poured a cup of much-needed coffee. She wrinkled her nose. Hilltop High School was known for award-winning sports teams but was no Starbucks. She glanced at the gray clock against the old brick wall. It was 7:45 a.m.  She could hear students clanging their locker doors, chatting and laughing as they waited for the first bell. Hope walked to the refrigerator to see if yesterday’s peach yogurt was intact as the school bell sounded a long, loud alert. Hope groaned. Damn it. I love spring but hate these twisters. She grabbed her purse as her phone rang. She didn’t answer, closed the lounge door per school procedure, and rushed to the cafeteria while herding students.

“Hurry. Move. Let’s go to the cafeteria. This might not be a drill.”

MJ: Love the title! Very catchy. How can people purchase your current release, Thursdays at Coconuts?

BC: It’s available on Amazon at tinyurl.com/l9m26ht

coconut 02

MJ: And can readers follow you on social media?

BC: Absolutely.  My website is http://www.bethcarter.com

My blog is http://banterwithbeth.blogspot.com

I’m also on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/authorbethcarter for my contemporary romance, women’s fiction and https://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-Beth-Carter/211352788931282 for my children’s picture books.

I’m on Twitter at https://twitter.com/bethcarter007, Pinterest at http://www.pinterest.com/bethcarterbooks/ and LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=274972815&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic

MJ: Thanks again for joining me today, and good luck with sales!