It’s Work-In-Progress Wednesday again, and today’s guest is Caroline Warfield. Welcome Caroline.
Let’s dive right in, shall we? What are your top three dream destinations and why?
CW: So many so many! The highlands of Scotland. I’ve seen the borders and I’d like to see the rest. Cappadocia to see the cliff churches Argentina because I haven’t been to South America yet.
MJ: What is the top book on your TBR pile?
CW: The Whisky Laird by Donna MacMeans.
MJ: Other than writing, what would be your dream job?
CW: International Relief worker.
MJ: If you had a theme song, what would it be?
CW: My theme MUSIC would be Beethoven’s “Appassionata Sonata”.
MJ: Oooh. Nice choice! Name one thing you won’t leave home without.
CW: My Cell phone, of course.
MJ: If you could trade places with anyone for just one day, who would you be and why?
CW: The Pope’s secretary. I admire him greatly and think of the visitors he gets. What great conversations.
MJ: Describe your ideal/dream writing space.
CW: Right where I am surrounded by my books in a room full of windows looking out at trees.
MJ: Briefly describe your writing day/process.
CW: Generally I try to be at my desk at 8 taking care of social networking and marketing, and then I write for two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. I need to walk in between.
MJ: What book do you wish you could have written?
CW: Simply Love, by Mary Balogh, What Angels Fear, by C.S. Harris to name but a few.
MJ: Name 3 things on your desk right now.
CW: Kindle, Roget’s Thesaurus (the real deal), a tall glass of water.
MJ: Do you listen to music when you write? Explain.
CW: I usually find music to suit the mood of the story and set up a Pandora channel. One of my children’s books required blue grass. Dangerous Secrets demanded Captain Corelli’s Mandolin and traditional Italian.
MJ: Do you collage your story before writing? Explain.
CW: I don’t collage but I set up a Pinterest board with visuals for inspiration.
MJ: What do you love most about your WIP hero?
CW: He believes he can fix anything and anyone, even if they don’t want it. He is loyal to a fault.
MJ: What do you least like about your WIP heroine?
CW: She ran when faced with what she saw as an insurmountable problem.
MJ: What genre is your current WIP?
CW: A Regency romance.
MJ: What is your favorite genre to read?
CW: Regency romance and historical mysteries.
MJ: How did you chose the setting for your current WIP?
CW: I often start with a setting. Dangerous Secrets began with, “I wonder if I could write a Regency romance set in Rome?”
MJ: Great answers all around. Now for the lightning round: Wine–red or white?
CW: Red.
MJ: Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick’s Day?
CW: St. Patrick’s Day.
MJ: Last movie you saw in a theatre?
CW: Jersey Boys.
MJ: Favorite TV show?
CW: Justified.
MJ: Paper or e-books?
CW: E-books.
MJ: Coke or Pepsi?
CW: Coke
MJ: Introvert or extrovert?
CW: Extrovert.
MJ: Ready to reveal your current work in progress?
CW: That would be Dangerous Secrets.
Rome, 1820
“Major Bently? Are you in there?”
Bently? Jamie Heyworth covered his ears. Some damned fool wants my Uncle Charles.
Pounding, urgent and loud, echoed through his room.
He ignored the noise. Perhaps it will stop.
It didn’t.
“Major Bently!”
There it was again. Uncle Charles can answer.
His Uncle Charles lay dead these eight years. Jamie peeked out from under his ragged pillow and stared at the cracks in the ceiling.
MJ: I’m hooked! Now, I understand you had a book come out just last week.
CW: Yes, Dangerous Works was released a week ago today. It’s available on Amazon at
MJ: Where can your fans catch up with you?
CW: My website, my blog, on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
MJ: Thanks again for joining me here today, Caroline, and best of luck with your books!