My local RWA chapter recently held a program on reviews. It was an insightful presentation and sparked passionate dialogue. Does one read reviews or ignore them? Are bad reviews are good thing? Does one respond to a review, good or bad?
Here’s my take on the topic. I love reviews, good or bad. It means someone read my book.
As far as I’m concerned a bad review lends legitimacy to the review process. If several reviewers find the same flaw in the book, then I need to seriously consider what they’re saying. I prefer to think of those types of reviews as constructive rather than bad. If a book has all four-or-five star reviews, I wonder if it’s not a stacked deck.
Never ever ever engage with a reviewer on a review site. It’s unprofessional. One of the newer, unpublished members of the chapter said, “But I would be thrilled that an author wanted to talk to me!”
My response: then friend me on Facebook. If you are my friend on Facebook, you will be my buddy. We will swap recipes, share stories about our children, and recommend books to each other. I love interacting with my readers . . . on Facebook. It’s casual, the way a friendship should be. But not on Goodreads and not on Amazon.
Do you write reviews for books you’ve read?