Snarky Sunday: Carole Ann Moleti

Thanks for having me on Snarky Sunday. I am from the capitol of snark, so this is a nice opportunity to showcase a more refined side than what would normally be exhibited on New York City streets or subways. But we’re really a nice bunch of people who believe in getting to the point, getting on with it, and not wasting anyone’s time. Here’s my new home voicemail message:

You’ve reached a number I only have because it’s part of the cable package. If you don’t know how to pronounce my name, hang up and dial another sucker. If you are calling on behalf of the Republican Party, you are peeing on the wrong tree. If it’s Sunday, before or after 9 a.m. or pm, I will return your call at 2 a.m.

I don’t need chimney cleaning, home repair, a subscription, or a membership to anything. I didn’t enter any contests for cars or trips, and only respond to an invitation to discuss my Class One Felony charge if I get a subpoena, written in grammatically correct English–and a lawyer.

If you are a charity, the amount of my donation will be inversely related to the number of calls, letters, calendars, or emails I receive in any given year. If you are a real friend or family member, you know a better way to get in touch with me. If you are returning a call, I apologize and invite you to leave a message after the tone.


Carole Ann Moleti lives and works as nurse-midwife in New York City, so she is often awake to return calls a 2 a.m. Her memoir excerpts range from the sweet and sentimental in This Path and Shifts to the edgy and irreverent in the Not Your Mother’s Books: On Being a Parent and On Being a Woman.

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Carole’s writes fiction in the speculative genres. Breakwater Beach, the second book Her Cape Cod paranormal romance series, is forthcoming from Soulmate Publishing. Her gritty urban fantasies have been published in the Toil, Trouble and Temptation and Ten Tales anthologies.

Check out these free reads, both excerpts from her memoir Karma, Kickbacks, and Kids.


Going on Pointe



Best Fortune Cookie Ever: Author K. Angello-Mayfield

Fortune Cookies, the freebie you get with your Chinese food; the food you get from the little smoke filled shop with the little girl at the front, who is so tiny and beautiful, and yet can boom her voice in a tone that seems ever so condescending to the cooks behind her – of course not being fluent in any language other than English, I image what is being said.

Wait for the food, wait for traffic – WAIT.

Like Veruca Salt, I wanted it now!

I want to go home; inside my head rattled around all the things I had placed upon my own plate; working at the law firm, updating my Facebook pages, what to make to donate at a benefit I agreed to, researching, writing, housework. (insert scream here) Can I eat and type? Probably not effectively!

The fortune cookie seemed to mock me. I took it and smashed it with my fist. The “POP” of the bag fulfilling; pulling the papery goodness from within, prepared for mockery, it simply read:

“Always remember to have patience.”

RIGHT! Stop and smell the roses! My dog and cats sat patiently, waiting for their turn with me, I thought – this should be my New Year resolution. Confucius even said, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” So, I will let my fortune come from patience – why rush perfection? Thanks cookie for reminding me to breathe!

K. Angello-Mayfield is the author of The Visionary -Series Parts 1-5 available at:

You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

The Purse Project: Crystal Firsdon

Today author Crystal Firsdon reveals all — at least, all of what is in her purse.

Welcome, Crystal. Tell us about what you carry around.

CF: I clean my purse out on a regular basis and take out anything unnecessary like old receipts or miscellaneous garbage (usually given to me by my kids when they aren’t near a garbage can).

So my purse holds no surprises. I simply carry what I feel are the necessities.

So, here’s a picture of my purse. When I’m not driving my keys are always hooked into the front strap. I love this purse. There’s a dedicated phone holder on the back of the purse which is my favorite part.


Here’s the front zipper pocket:

Tissues, Band-aids, Neosporin spray, ponytail holders, bobby pins, chap stick, author bookmarks, pens, and I.D.s in case I lose my kids.

Front zipper pocket

In the inside pockets, I keep:

Migraine medicine, Tic-Tacs, lotion, small notebook, ear buds, hand sanitizer, and pepper spray.

Inside compartments

The main body carries:

  • My wallet
  • A small bag for feminine products
  • Arm-band phone holder
  • Gym locker lock
  • More hand sanitizer
  • Substitute teacher I.D lanyard
  • Dental floss
  • Small pill box with ibuprofen

Main body

Crystal Firsdon’s new release, Almost Ordinary, is available at Amazon.

Three men changed Molly’s life forever, and now . . .

The one who violently attacked her is caught, though not without unexpected consequences.

The one who abandoned her, needs her, though he doesn’t know it.

And the one who loves Molly stands by as she engages in a quest for answers, though that quest may tear his and Molly’s family apart.

All Molly wants is an ordinary life, but after all is said and done, her life may explode right in front of her face instead.

AlmostOrdinary600 (2)

Follow Crystal on Facebook and her blog.

National Random Acts of Kindness Day

Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day, which brings to mind the times I’ve been the recipient of kindness from strangers. Here’s one instance.

I was on the old RWA forums, talking about something–I don’t recall what–when another person private messaged me, asking if I had entered a particular title in a particular writing contest. When I admitted I had, she messaged her phone number and asked me to call. Having nothing to lose, I did.

The woman had judged my entry in the aforementioned contest and had tried to obtain my contact info from the contest coordinators, but was unable to do so. She had told her agent about “an amazing entry” and wanted me to submit to her agent. She set up everything for me. Ultimately, my work wasn’t right for that agent. No hard feelings. I remembered to send thank you notes to everyone involved.

Have you ever had something wonderful happen to you out of blue?

Tantalizing Trivia: Valentine’s Day

Two bits of Valentine’s Day Trivia:

Valentine’s Day was first made an official holiday in 1537, by England’s King Henry the VIII–you know, the guy with six wives. Guess he knew his stuff!

Do you know who receives the most Valentine’d Day Cards? Teachers. Which makes perfect sense.