Captain Fantastic-I saw the trailer this summer and wanted to see the motion picture. It was scheduled to play at a local film fest, so TV Stevie and I went. Except the fest was running dreadfully off schedule. We waited an hour and the auditorium doors still hadn’t opened from the previous movie, so we left. I eventually took it out of the library.
I am fascinated by people who live off the grid. I thought this movie would be…more. Loved parts of it. Was appalled at other parts. And the ending disappointed. Two librarians told me it was a good movie, but the ending lacked…more. And they were right.
Cafe Society-I let TV Stevie talk me into watching this one, even tho’ morally we should be boycotting Woody Allen.
I usually like Jesse Eisenberg. Out of 96 minutes of motion picture, I remember one scene. One. Shortly after the main character arrives in Hollywood, he tries to hire a hooker. Jesse Eisenberg plays Woody Allen playing Alvy Singer in Annie Hall (who my husband tells me is Woody Allen) and Candy the Hooker is none other than Anna Camp, best known (to me) as the preacher’s slutty wife in True Blood. (Yes, I know, she was in the Perfect Pitch movies, too, but I know her best from True Blood.)
Hell or High Water–Another flick I let TV Stevie talk me into watching.
Yes, it stars Chris Pine and Jeff Bridges, but even that could not redeem this movie. I thought I would hate the movie because the DVD package read as if it was a gratuitous violence film. An action film, filled with special effects and lacking in plot.
It was not. It had a perfectly respectable plot. Jeff Bridges plays a Texas Ranger (romance hero fodder). The four main characters were fairly well-drawn.
Yet I couldn’t help but think if the same movie had been written about four women in the same situation it would not be as critically acclaimed or garnering the press this one is getting. I mean, look at how much the Ghostbusters female re-boot is being slammed. This movie is ‘important’ only because the characters are guys.
I put Thelma and Louise on my “must watch again” move list.