House Proud

Many years ago, when I was a single, career-minded young woman, I read an article in Cosmopolitan magazine that changed my life. No, not a piece of the “how to satisfy your man” ilk. “How to Be House-Proud” by Rita Barnett struck such a deep chord in me, I cut out the article and re-read every couple of years.  The article became a guide in my quest to build a life I loved.

I am a homebody by nature, a nester, as one friend described me. What the article made me realize was that if I took care of my home, my home would take care of me when I needed it. When unexpected company dropped by. When I had a food craving. When I was sick. The mind set served me well for many years.

But life changes. Marriage, children, career advancement, career loss, new job, serious pursuit of my writing, and so on. Besides, when one lives with others, one has to accommodate their concepts of home, too, which might not always coincide with one’s own.

Some habits, however, are worth clinging to.

The habit I developed of keeping certain nonperishable foods on hand is one I’ve maintained. In upstate New York, winter weather can be uncertain. I feel secure (and even smug at times) knowing if my family and I get snowed in, we wouldn’t go hungry. To me, that’s what home is: hearty, (mostly) healthy meals.

Are there days when I wish I could come home from my day job to a clean house? You bet. But I’m not the only one who lives here. And serious pursuit of my writing career meant serious reappraisal and restructuring of my available time.

Being house proud, as the article states, is not about mopping and dusting. It’s about the making of a home.

Helping Others

My Day Job has come up with an interesting way to encourage employee giving: wearing jeans to work.

  • Every home game for one of the local university’s men’s basketball team, donate $2 to a specific charity, employees can wear jeans and university logo clothing to work.
  • Donate at a certain level to the Thanksgiving Turkey Drive, wear jeans between this date and that one. Level 2, the window gets longer.
  • Donate to the 1st responder fund on 9/11, wear jeans to work!

And so on.

Some may consider this bribery. But if it helps us to give back to our community, then I’m all for it.

Even if I do think my “work” clothes are more comfortable than jeans.





If You Should Stumble…

It’s National Get Up Day. No, not Roll Out of Bed and Slog into Life Day, but Get Up as in should you stumble, climb to your feet and keep trying. The day originally started for figure skaters: if you fall, get up. As their website says: We never know when our efforts to seek a goal or overcome an obstacle will encourage another to do the same.

That’s great advice for anyone. Make a mistake? Suck it up and move on. A rejection? A bad review? A nasty reader letter? Life is going to go on, and we will never succeed unless we continue to try. A terrific lesson.