I am what is known as an early bird. I get up early. It’s my best time to think because the distractions of the day haven’t yet attacked.
But I often wonder if I am naturally an early bird or was my circadian rhythm warped by my upbringing. When I was a child, even a teenager who often babysat until the wee hours of the morning, my mother made sure I was out of bed by 9AM every morning. People who lingered in bed were lazy and slothful.
Part of this could be my dad having to get up at 4AM to work in a factory every day. So naturally bedtimes at our house were early. I get that.
But since being an adult and with my children adults, too, when I’m not bound by the alarm for the day job, I do tend to stay up later at night–and to write and write well. So perhaps my natural cycle is that of a night owl.
Maybe when I retire I’ll find out.