Friday nights at our house have always been pizza night. After a long work week, it is nice not to have to think about what I’m going to cook for supper. When the Chromos were young, I did cook. Every night. Except Friday.
We go through phases with our pizza toppings. TV likes green peppers and mushrooms, two things I cannot abide. I like Italian sausage, something he considers extremely unhealthy. Two things we’ve always agreed on are black olives and onions. So for a while, our weekly pizza was topped with onions.
Y-Chromo was old enough to eat a slice on his own, but I had to cut up X-Chromos pizza into tiny pieces for her to handle. “Yum yum,” she would say. And thus began what would be come a weekly game.
X-Chromo would reach over to my plate and pluck the onions off my slice. “Hey!” I would chide her. “What do you think you’re doing? Those are my onions.”
She would smile and reply, “Yum yums!”
It became a weekly game.