Green is TV Stevie’s least favorite color. I’ve always been partial to it, but after we married, I limited green to foodstuffs. TV is partial to vegetables, so he was content.
Along came the children, who, being green deprived in the house and in their closets, both declared green to be their favorite color.
X-Chromo, I think, rebelled against all the pink and purple in which I swathed her. Her love of green morphed into a preference for what I call turquoise. Which TV Stevie insists is green. Men, however, have fewer color rods in their eyes, so he clearly knows not of what he speaks.
Y-Chromo took it one step further. He invented his “Green Grandma.”
One evening at dinner, Y informed us he wanted to visit his Green Grandma. So I asked him about this person. “Oh, she lives in a green house. Her kitchen is green. Her curtains are green. The stove and refrigerator a green. There are green walls and green floors. All her furniture is green. I love it there.”
The kids wasn’t talking about environmentally correct stuff. He meant the color.