How Will My Garden Grow?

The snow is finally melting. I saw tulips peeking up next to the edge of the snow crust. I still can’t see any crocus.

lawn March 01 lawn March 02

Part of that is because the landmarks in my back yard have changed since last spring. The pool is finally gone, the patio extension was in progress when the weather turned to . . . standard stuff for this part of the world, and I have a mud pit waiting for wallowing. . . under the snow.

Now that April is nearly upon us, I’m thinking about that space again.

One thing I know I want is herbs. Basil, parsley, chives, and cilantro at the minimum. TV Stevie would probably like a tomato plant. I think a container garden is the way to go. I don’t want just a low-maintenance space, I want a no-maintenance space. I want to take my laptop outside and write. I want to sip fruity ice tea and bask in the heat and light. (Yes, I ordered my Celestial Seasonings Cool Brew Iced Teas on Monday; they arrived on Wednesday. I am all set there!)

“Only to the timid is April the cruelest month.” ~Amanda Vail, Love Me Little.

I think April is filled with possibilities.

WIP Wednesday: Lauren Linwood

Today’s Work In Progress Wednesday guest is Lauren Linwood. Welcome, Lauren. Can you share your top three dream desitinations?

LL: #1 would be seeing New England and Canada in the fall with all the lovely foliage. I’ve been to New England in the summer, but I’d love to see it at this time of year. #2 is Germany and Switzerland. They both are scenic and have a lot of history to see. #3 on my dream list would be outer space. I’d love to explore what’s out there in the universe!

MJ: What’s the top book on your TBR pile?

LL: Michael Connelly’s The Burning Room.  I read everything he writes, and this comes out in November.

MJ: Other than writing, what would be your dream job?

LL: I’d enjoy being a movie producer because you have a hand in every aspect of filming. You locate the script, hire the director, usually have casting approval, scout locations, work with the budget, and even select the catering services. I love that overall aspect of helming such a major, creative project.

MJ: If you had a theme song, what would it be?

LL: Definitely Mission: Impossible. As a writer, creating unique characters and interesting plots can be fun—but it’s also a LOT of hard work! I like to think of myself as an agent, on a mission, and that every time I finish (or bring the book home to my editor), that I’ve chosen to accept and I’ve completed my mission.

MJ: That’s a great analogy! Name one thing you won’t leave home without.

LL:  My iPhone—usually because I need to use it for directions on where I’m heading! I also like to check my email. And yes, I’ll admit it—I’m a serial texter!

MJ: Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version of the story?

LL: The one that immediately comes to mind is The Last of the Mohicans. As a book it was fairly dry, with the language a bit difficult. But seeing a very hot Daniel Day-Lewis as Hawkeye and all the action brought to life? Priceless!

MJ: What do you normally eat for breakfast, or do you skip it and get straight to work?

LL: I almost always eat Greek yogurt with a spoonful of oat bran stirred in, and I’ll have either hot herbal tea or a cup of coffee, preferably hazelnut, caramel, or French vanilla.

MJ: Name one writing-related website you use a lot.

LL: I like Timelines of History. It’s one I used when I taught high school history, and it’s invaluable when I write historical romances.

MJ: What book do you wish you could have written?

LL: To Kill a Mockingbird. The prose is so lyrical. The characters and story are so compelling. The descriptions are magical. I read it once a year.

MJ: Do you listen to music when you write? Explain.

LL: Absolutely no music can play when I write. I always start humming or singing along, whether in my head or aloud. When that occurs, it takes me out of the story I’m writing. Instead, I prefer it quiet, or I’ll put on my white noise machine and write to the sound of a gentle rain or waves coming in and out.

MJ: What is your favorite genre to read?

LL: I love to read thrillers! Most of them have a “ticking time bomb” plot, where the stakes are high and the characters must save the day in a limited amount of time.

MJ: Do you ever base characters on people you know?

LL: Not at all! When I start a new book, I start first with the hero & heroine’s names. Once I hit upon the right name, I start seeing physical characteristics. From there, I develop their personalities. By the time I finish, I have a brand-new person!

MJ: How did you chose the setting for your current WIP?

LL: I went to Seattle on vacation last summer. It was my second visit there, and the beauty of the city stayed with me. When I sold my first romantic suspense (after writing and selling 6 historical romances), I thought I’d try my hand at another romantic suspense, and I thought Seattle would be a terrific setting for my story.

MJ: And now for the lightning round. Wine: Red or white?

LL: I’m a red girl. There’s nothing like a good cab.

MJ: I  Dream of Jeannie or Bewitched?

LL: Samantha from Bewitched. My birthday is on Halloween, and I’ve always wished I could be a “good” witch and twitch my nose as she did!

MJ: Last movie you saw in a theater?

LL: Gone Girl.

MJ: Favorite TV show?

LL: Lost.

MJ: Favorite band when you were in high school (Marching band doesn’t count)?

LL: The Eagles

MJ: Coke or Pepsi?

LL: Coke.

MJ: Favorite ethnic food?

LL: I love Mexican food, whether it’s Tex-Mex, Cal-Mex, or New Mexican cuisine.

MJ: And now for the main event. Can you share the first few lines of your current WIP?

LL: Yes! This is from Recipe for Love.

Linley Peterson locked the door to the restroom stall and whirled just in time. The entire afternoon’s cake samplings came up over the next minute as she knelt next to the porcelain bowl, clutching its sides. Finally, her retching ceased, but the nausea did not subside.

Neither did the hurt in her heart.

How many times had she wished she were in the same situation—except under happier circumstances? It seemed everywhere she turned, she saw pregnant women, the radiant bloom on their cheeks advertising to the entire world that they would soon become mothers. She gladly would put up with the dreaded morning sickness and swollen ankles and burgeoning belly if the end result would be a child.

And yet that seemed unlikely at this moment. Or at least with Steven.

MJ: Ooh. Sounds wonderful. I understand you have a book out now, plus another due out in December, and yet another in January . You’re one busy lady!

LL: Yes, I am! Written in the Cards is currently available from Amazon.


LL: My medieval historical romance, A Bit of Heaven on Earth comes out December 3, and Leave Yesterday Behind will release in January.

A Bit of Heaven on Earth high res

MJ: And how can readers keep up with all you’re doing?

LL: My website, my blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Google+, Goodreads, About Me, and my Amazon Author page.

MJ: Thanks again for joining me today, and good luck with your books!



Things I Don’t Get

There are some things in life I just don’t understand.2013-10-27 17.58.09

Example: Going to the movies on a first date. Now, it’s been a long time since I went on a first date, but I remember thinking, how am I going to get to know you if we’re watching a movie?

Example: Fascination with fancy cars. My criteria: is the vehicle reliable? Safe? Does it have a usable trunk? Does the heat work? Everything else is just gravy. As a former co-worker once said: I drive it, I don’t live in it.

Example: Turkey dinners held during the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. (see previous post)

Example: Visiting someone and having the host/hostess turn on the television set. (This is not to be confused with going to someone’s home for the express purpose of watching a movie or sporting event together.) I frankly find it to be a rude habit. How can we converse while battling the television for attention? If your program is more important to you than our friendship, then perhaps we should reexamine our relationship.

Example: Shopping. I loathe shopping. Of any kind. If there were a way I could economically order groceries on-line, I would. Today is Black Friday. The thought of all those people jam-cramming into the malls (mauls!) and other retail establishments gives me the heebie-jeebies. I don’t understand why anyone would want to do it.

What kinds of situations do you encounter that you don’t understand?